Great Lakes Collision Center welcomes you!

Welcome to Great Lakes Collision Center

Ways we can help you:

Request a Photo Estimate:

Take a few shots of the car with our simple web based tool, and we can start the estimate process before you even come in!

Schedule an Estimate:

Schedule an appointment with one of our estimator team members to ensure the most accurate estimate without waiting in line.

Check your Car's Status Online:

Our online system allows customers to check their status in realtime with just some basic information.

Contact us Directly:

Call or email us directly

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Why us?

We are partnered with most major insurance companies. Let us handle the adjusters questions and get the ball rolling.

We are certified with all OEMs, we have access to all parts catalogs and we can ensure you get the right part, the first time.

Proudly serving Central Ohio for 25 years!